Utilities Given Flexibility in Operating Water Treatment Plant

by | Mar 26, 2020 | Infrastructure, Water

Ontario officials, concerned that essential water and wastewater systems would be overwhelmed during the coronavirus epidemic, have extended certificates for operating a water treatment plant or sewer treatment plant and has given utilities more flexibility in personnel deployments with Regulation 75/20.

The province has temporarily broadened the category of those operating a water treatment plant to include professional engineers and those who have held certificates issued under O. Reg. 128/04 and who have not had them revoked or suspended for any reason.operating water treatment plant

Millwrights, electricians, instrument technicians, maintenance mechanics, process control technicians and water quality analysts who both have five years of experience in water subsystems and are current employees may operate subsystems in which they work.

The regulation also expands testing abilities to those who have been trained by and are under the supervision of a certified operator, even if they are not an operator or water quality analyst themselves.

Those whose certificates who soon expire will have another 180 days added or 90 days after the province revokes the order, whichever comes later.

The regulation also gives sweeping powers to redeploy staff, change assignments, change schedules, employ part-time employees and volunteers and delay or cancel vacations or leaves.

See the entire regulation here.